July 22, 2009

Just In!!

As Salaamu Aalaykum,

We started a new section for home schooling parents. We are still recruiting teachers to help us with the curriculum but it will be available free of charge to the first 10 AP Muslim members.

So far we are in the planning stage and are slowly forming our curriculum. We have a couple of teachers on board and they are helping us design our curriculum. This should be treated as just another resource in the home schooling parent's tool box. We will be accepting only 5 AP Muslim members for this project. Once this comes out of beta stage we will open it up to 5 more AP Muslim members then 10 more members and finally to anyone else who is interested. The first 10 members will be free for the life of this program. So any suggestions? Any topics you would like to have addressed? We will be polling the community soon inshaAllah in the mean time please feel free to mention your suggestions here.

Here is a screen shot


Tentative Itinerary:

8:30-9:00 PM Get acquainted in our virtual lounge with other AP Members

9:oo-9:30 PM
Games, Trivia and Fun. You will be able to win prizes inshaAllah.

9:30-10:00 PM Lecture about alternative education

10:00- 10:15 PM Q&A

10:20- 10:40 PM Unveiling of our new super secret project.

10:40-10:50 PM Q&A

10:50-11:00 PM Elite 5 will be discussed.

Our party today alhamdulillah is sponsored by

July 15, 2009


As Salaamu Aalaykum!

AP Muslim will be having a FORUM PARTY!

July 22nd 2009 from 9-11PM EST!
want to know what time that would be where you live? click here.

Where: AP Muslim Forum Click here!

Prizes, include Gift certificates! Fun! Trivia games with prizes! You will receive clues for our next major project and will be accepting an elite 5!

Can you feel the excitement?

I can! Alhamdulillah we have something planned for our most involved AP Muslim members. We will be unveiling our current project by the end of this month! inshaallah. If you were on the forum last night you might already know but please keep it a secret. Please. We will be choosing 5 AP members for this program

More details will be available by the end of the week!

July 13, 2009



As Salaamu Aalaykum,
ICAN is having a new class for those interested. http://ican-online.org/none/ican-birth-c...prevention

NEW Online Webinar

Monday, July 27 - 9:00 pm EDT (6:00 pm PDT)

Planning YOUR birth?

Are you keeping your fingers crossed and hoping for the best? Well, take charge and find out ways you can increase your chances of having an easier and safer birth. First-timers and experienced mothers both can benefit from this class.

This 2-hour online session will help you learn:

* Different kinds of care providers you can use, and the pros and cons of each
* How to empower yourself to make educated choices during your pregnancy and during labor
* What factors contribute to your chances of having an unnecessary or preventable cesarean
* What is the "downward spiral of intervention"
* Why avoiding an unnecessary cesarean is safest for you and your baby
* When cesareans are truly necessary

Monday, July 27 - 9:00 pm EDT (6:00 pm PDT)

$20.00 fee benefits ICAN - click here to register.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a webinar?
Webinar is short for “web seminar.” These online seminars allow many participants in multiple locations to see and hear a presentation from their own desks. To attend the ICAN webinar, you will need a computer with internet access to connect to the presentation, and a phone line OR speakers and microphone to connect to the audio. A webinar typically consists of a moderator, a presenter and an audience.

I have small children. Will I need to be in a quiet room to attend this webinar?
No. To maximize audio quality, all webinar attendees are automatically muted. If you have a question, you will have the option to be temporarily unmuted or type in your question through the Questions Box on the Webinar interface.

I filled out the registration form, but I was not re-directed to the ICAN store. How do I submit my payment?
To submit your payment, please click here, click "add to cart" and proceed to checkout. When prompted, choose "Pay now with Paypal." You will have the option to log in to your Paypal account or to pay by credit or debit card without logging in.

What is your refund policy?

The registration fee is fully refundable if cancellation is made in writing by Sunday, July 26 at 9 pm EDT. No refunds will be granted within 24 hours of the start of the webinar.

Presenting ICAN’s official cesarean prevention class is Claudia Villeneueve, President of ICAN Canada, ICAN’s former Education Director, and a birth doula and childbirth educator. Claudia is also an engineer and lives in Canada with her husband and three children. Her first birth was a cesarean for failed routine induction, listed in her medical records as "failure to progress." Her second birth was a completely natural, drug-free and inspiring VBAC. Her third birth was a cesarean for complications with the epidural.

July 10, 2009

This is our new HOME

As Salaamu Aalaykum,

this is our new home inshaAllah. I bought my biz partner's share so I am now the sole owner of AP Muslim. Alhamdulillah. I did buy it with my hubster so technically he owns 50% but he did it because he knew how much I loved that forum.